The sculpts on my blog are one of a kind, for up coming show this year. I use - used concept art from artists with their permission. These are non commissioned work, so please do not contact the artist for any of these as they do not have them. I will feature other artist,modelers and cool stuff.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Before I did any monster's my biggest passion was WWII aircraft .I was lucky enough to have built some for museums and private collectors.My all time favorite is the HAWKER TYPHOON,this had to be the hot rod of all planes at 2200 hp this thing was all power. Pilots had to wear oxygen at all times because of fumes and motor tended to catch fire.     In the air it packed a mean punch with 4  20 mm cannons,8 rockets or bombs, they had the german armor heading for cover.My youtube video pays tribute to these pilots ,and if you get a chance check out canadian pilot Harry J Hardy picture above his plane PULVERIZER.


J. Hardy is a decorated W.W. II. fighter pilot who survived 96 combat sorties in a Ty